I grew up in Escondido, CA. I went to Oak Hill, Hidden Valley MS and Orange Glen HS. After high school I attened Palomar for several years and tried to figure out what I wanted to do. While I was there, I worked as a tutor for AmeriCorps and realized that whatever I did, I wanted to work with kids in some way. I am currently an undergrad at Cal State San Marcos, majoring in Human Development with and emphasis in counseling. After working as an instructional assistant in special ed. for the past four years the thought of going into education/teaching has really grown on me. I hope to start the credential program next summer and get my special education credential. One part of the COE mission statement that speaks the most to me is the commitment " to diversity, educational equity, and social justice" I feel that anyone wanting to be a teacher needs to be committed to these things and really be an adovacte for children.
1 comment:
Hi Sarah! After reading your introduction letter, I think I have narrowed down how I know you...Did you take HD 301 or PSYC 330? It seems as though going to a community college to figure things out is a very popular things to do. I spent many years doing the same.
~Sarah S.
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